Nicholas Ewstas


1557. Edwin Alex Estes

Died when 2 years old.

1558. John Elverson Estes

Died when 8 years old.

855. Silas Sylvester Eastes

Silas was a licensed school teacher and taught in Indiana and in someIndian
schools in Kansas where his father lived.

Elvira Scottin

Elvira had a twin sister, Jane who married Mineas Snyder.

Elvira had a twin sister, Jane who married Mineas Snyder.

Elvira had a twin sister, Jane who married Mineas Snyder.

Elvira had a twin sister, Jane who married Mineas Snyder.

1561. Rosa Mae Eastes

Mae did not marry until in her 50's so they did not have any children.She was
very religious and had little posters hanging around the house warning
against the Devil, smoking and other such sins. She spent most of her day
listening to radio evangelists and sent them money.

Arthur Bode Crubaugh

1 NAME Arthur /Crubaugh/

1 NAME Arthur /Crubaugh/

1 NAME Arthur /Crubaugh/

1 NAME Arthur /Crubaugh/

1 NAME Arthur /Crubaugh/

1 NAME Arthur /Crubaugh/

1 NAME Arthur /Crubaugh/

1 NAME Arthur /Crubaugh/

856. James Asbury Eastes

Sources shown on these descendants are from Shelly Wittman's GedCom File

1910 Census Konawa Township Seminole Co. Oklahoma Sheet#28:
Shows James owned property, house #30 on main Street in Konawa free andclear.

James Asbury along with his sons Morris Leon Estes and James "Jim" B.Eastes and George Payne owned the 1st sawmill in Indian Territory (NowOklahoma) in 1907.

Nancy Jane Payne

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Kitchen Help
2 SOUR S02049
4 TEXT Date of Import: 26 Aug 2000

1 _FA1
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2 SOUR S02049
4 TEXT Date of Import: 26 Aug 2000

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Kitchen Help
2 SOUR S02049
4 TEXT Date of Import: 26 Aug 2000

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Kitchen Help
2 SOUR S02049
4 TEXT Date of Import: 26 Aug 2000

1566. Mary Elizabeth Eastes

Pets- Old Dap was a white dappled horse this horse was ridden by MorrisLeone Eastes in the "Run" when the Oklahoma Strip was opened.

George Payne

[James Asberry Eastes; Decendants.FTW]

George got Maleria from cutting timber in the swamps at sawmill Seminole,Indian Territory (Oklahoma) and went back to to Indiana in 1911. Hethought the climate would be better for him.
George was mary Elizabeth Eastes were 1st cousins.

[James Asberry Eastes; Decendants.FTW]

George got Maleria from cutting timber in the swamps at sawmill Seminole,Indian Territory (Oklahoma) and went back to to Indiana in 1911. Hethought the climate would be better for him.
George was mary Elizabeth Eastes were 1st cousins.

[James Asberry Eastes; Decendants.FTW]

George got Maleria from cutting timber in the swamps at sawmill Seminole,Indian Territory (Oklahoma) and went back to to Indiana in 1911. Hethought the climate would be better for him.
George was mary Elizabeth Eastes were 1st cousins.

[James Asberry Eastes; Decendants.FTW]

George got Maleria from cutting timber in the swamps at sawmill Seminole,Indian Territory (Oklahoma) and went back to to Indiana in 1911. Hethought the climate would be better for him.
George was mary Elizabeth Eastes were 1st cousins.

860. Lemuel Franklin Eastes

Lemuel was married 5 times. 1. Rebecca Cunningham. 2. C.M. Hester. 3.Sarah
Smithson, 4. Margaret A. Innis. 5. Margaret Sweeney.Later, MargaretSweeny
changed her name to Mariah Jane Potts. Potts had been her maiden name.

Lemuel Eastes was the oldest of the eleven children born to Holman Eastes
and Ruth Webb. He was born on 3 June 1838 in Hancock County, Indiana on the
farm where the Eastes-Harvey Cemetery is now located. His occupation was
primarily as a farmer but in later life he worked as a blacksmith. About1859,
Lemuel married Rebecca Cunningham. No place, date or marriage
certificate has been found. Her son, Joseph Frank Eastes said she was part Indian but no evidence as been found so far.

When the Civil War began, Lemuel was enlisted by Capt. Alfred Kilgore
at Muncie, Indiana on 21 August 1861. He enlisted as a Private for 3 years in
the Army of the United States . On the same day he joined his new unit and was
assigned to Capt Hugh A. Stephens, Company B, 36th Regiment of the Indiana
Infantry Volunteers. At the time of enlistment he was 25 years old, light
complexion and had blue eyes. He was married and had one son, Jasper Newton,
born on 3 March 1860.

His military records tell of a very complex period. The Muster Rolls
dated May and June 1862, states he was left sick at New Haven, Kentucky on 5
December 1861. Then the July and August 1862 Muster Rolls lists him as a
deserter. On 18 August 1862, his unit apparently moved again and a list of
deserters shows he had deserted at McMinnville, Tennessee. Further records
show he was admitted to the Post Hospital at New Haven, Kentucky on 27 December
1861 and then sent to Nelson Barracks, Kentucky to be treated for measles.
Lemuel was then sent to the Louisville Barracks on 5 March 1862 and given a
Discharge Furlough signed by General Buel and directed to return home to await
his discharge. On 27 April 1862 he was returned to his unit as a deserter.
However, since he had his Discharge Furlough he was returned to active duty and
given an Honorable Disability Discharge on 7 May 1863 at Murfreesbrough,
Tennessee. On his Discharge Certificate his home address was given as
Chesterfield, Indiana. Another document from the Adjutant General's
Office in Washington, D.C. dated 23 August 1887 removes the Desertion
Charges erroneously placed against him. Since Lemuel was an Honorably
Discharged Disabled Veteran, he was given a pension. The date of his
death is confirmed as being on 11 May 1903 and was last paid $17.00 on 4
May 1903. A Disability Certificate dated 29 February 1888 shows his home
in New Corner, Indiana, (later know as Gaston) in Delaware County. The
certificate further states that due to illness contracted in Military
Service he was now certified as being totally unable to work at his
occupation as a farmer and blacksmith.

Lemuel Eastes first married Rebecca Cunningham. In the Disability documents and in Lemuel's handwriting there is listed four living children by this marriage. These were Jasper Newton born 3 March 1860, Charles Everett born 18 June 1864, William Holman born 7 May 1867 and my grandfather, Joseph Frank born 9 May 1874. I have aphotograph of a teen age girl apparently taken before 1900. On the backin Joseph Frank's handwriting is written the name Anna Belle Eastes, full sister. The story that has been passed down through the family was that at the age of 17 she died under mysterious circumstances. According to the story, the family had gone to town and on their return she was found dead. Joseph Frank said that she was not the type to have committed suicide. No record can be found of her birth or death but in the photograph she looks like Rebecca Cunningham and Joseph Frank Eastes. It is assumed that Anna Belle was born between William Holman (7 May 1867) and Joseph Frank (9 May 1875.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management shows a record of Lemuel buying 160 acres in St Croix Co., WI on 5 August 1869. The Document is # 6987 and filed at the St Croix, WI land Office. The discription of the land is -Part 1 SE, Blk 14, twp 29N, Range 15W Section none, Meridian 4th PM-1831MN/WI, State of WI, County St Croix.

Lemuel Eastes' first marriage ended in the tragic death of Rebecca Cunningham On 26 December 1878 she was killed when thrown from a mud boat on the Bradford Pike northeast of Marion, Indiana in Grant County. My
grandfather, Joseph Frank, her youngest son was 3 1/2 years old.

Lemuel then married Hester, C.M. No further information has been found
except that they were divorced on 3 May 1879 in Grant County, Indiana.

Then on 18 June 1879, Lemuel married Sarah Smithson. No record has been
found of a death or divorce but on 9 December 1880, Lemuel married a fourth
time. This contract was with Margaret A.Innis in Rush County, Indiana.The
marriage lasted until March 1882 when they were divorced in Madison County,

On 10 April 1882, Lemuel married Margaret Sweeney in Madison County,
Indiana. Margaret had been previously married to Thomas Sweeney and divorced
on 12 October 1879. Margaret later changed her name to Mariah Jane Potts.
(Potts had been her maiden name) This change was accomplished after her
marriage to Lemuel as it is shown as Margaret on their marriage licence in 1882
and later as Muriah Jane on a Bureau of Pensions Quarterly Voucher, dated19
May 1903, which was eight days after Lemuel died.

Lemuel and Muriah Jane had three children. Mary L. born 6 October 1883, Ruth Pearl born 8 November 1885 and Benjamin Harrison. Benjamin later lived in Indianapolis and served in WW I.

Lemuel died in Landissville, Indiana and was buried in Tinkle Cemetery.
Many years ago, LeRoy Eastes, a son of Jasper Newton Eastes, sent me a
photograph of Lemuel's tombstone. In later years, the headstone was missing, but I was told a local group installed a Civil War Veterans marker.

Lemuel was well known and respected throughout Grant County. He was a
Master Mason and prominent in the G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic) and had
been Post Master at Landissville for many years. According to newspaper
clippings, Lemuel had apparently gone into a comma and. was pronounced dead at
5 pm on 4 May 1903. Later in the evening, the Odd Fellows Lodge was in
session and had just passed a resolution to honor one of their highly respected
members, when a messenger arrived telling them that he had come back to life.

The heading on the news article says, "Lemuel Eastes of Landess SupposeTo Have
Died, Returns Suddenly to Life." Lemuel lived one week in an unconscious
state and passed away on 11 May 1903. Then another newspaper article with a
heading said, "Lemuel Eastes' Death Again Recorded," and told of his final
passage and the date of the probate of his will.

Lemuel's will was dated 23 January 1903. He bequeathed all his
personal property and real estate to his wife Muriah Jane. It also stipulated
that if she remarried she was to have one third. In the event of her death
should she not remarry, the estate was to be divided into seven equal shares
and distributed to Jasper N., Charles E., William H., Joseph F , Mary L.,
Ruth E. and Benjamin Eastes. Charles E. Eastes was appointed as
Administrator of the will.

After Lemuel's death , Muriah Jane married a man by the name of McKee.
This is shown in a pension affidavit dated 16 January 1905.

Full Context of American Civil War Soldiers
Source: The Union Army, vol. 3

Lemuel F. Eastes

Residence: Delaware County, Indiana Occupation:
Service Record:
Enlisted as a Private on 23 October 1861
Enlisted in Company B, 36th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 23 October 1861.
Deserted Company B, 36th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 18 August 1862
(See Notes above that clear him of Desertion Charges.)

Rebecca Cunningham

In the 1860 Census for Van Buren Twp, Madison Co., IN shows Rebecca age20 and apparently married as the name was Easters. (Misspelled from Eastes) This census also shows her place of birth as NC.

In the 1850 Census of Davies Co., NC Shows William a farmer age 37 with7 children. One was Rebecca age 9. This places her birth date as 1841.Other information found says that her family moved from NC to Summitville, Madison Co., IN Debbie Quinn, Alexandria, IN

In the Portrait and Biographical Record of Madison & Hamilton Counties, IN - 1893, is an article on a William Cunningham and his descendants. It states that, "All brothers (Cunningham) came to Indiana about 1845 and settled in Madison county. Possibly William father of Rebecca came at a latter date. This is still being researched. ( April 2000)

Family stories say that Rebecca Cunningham was part Indian but there is no evidence of this at this time, however, her Mothers name is unknown.

Letter rcvd 1 Sept 2002:

Subj: I Found Rebbecca Cunningham mother!!!!!!
Date: 9/1/02 8:44:00 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Kanga1Roo3
To: LEastes2

I just found the missing link to the puzzle. I have found the name of Rebecca cunningham mother. I found it buy asking for more informationon the 1850 census lookup. Her name is Editha Parker they married in1832. I am sending you the email that I received this morning. I hope this is her. Let me know please. Thank you Christina Ridley
Forwarded Message:
Subj: Re: Davie County 1850 Census
Date: 9/1/02 6:35:37 AM Central Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

> Would like more information about someone in the census. Name isWilliam
>Cunningham. He is on page 379B Line 16 Age 39 Sex M. Thank you very much.
> Christina Ridley
> E-mail addresses

Here's what I have in my database.

Name: William CUNNINGHAM

Birth Date: About 1811
Birth Place: Rowan/Davie Co. NC

Spouse: Editha PARKER
Marriage Date: 18 Sep 1832
Marriage Place: Rowan Co. NC [bond date]

Spouse: Jane INGLIS
Marriage Date: 23 May 1846
Marriage Place: Davie Co. NC [bond date]

1850 Davie Co. census household 76
William Cunningham 39
Jane 25
Ransom 16
James 14
William 12
Rebecca 9
George 3
Mary 2/12

I may be able to find out more about the children, the later census
records, possibly burial sites and other information for you from my
reference books, but I'm just about to leave town for a week, so I
won't be able to do this before I return.

Elizabeth Harris

NCGenWeb project:
Winston-Salem NC area genealogy:
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Letter set to Elizabeth Harris - 5 October 2002

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Subj: Re: Rebbecca Cunningham's Mother
Date: 10/6/02 7:46:58 AM Central Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

>I would like to know where I can find the above information.
>Its not that I doubt its authenticity, but would like to obtain a
>copy for my records.

This came from my personal data base, which is based on the following sources:

Rowan County marriage records, specifically the book published by Brent Holcomb

The Davie County 1850 census, which was transcribed by the Forsyth
County Genealogical Society

Davie County 1860-1880 census, marriage bonds, and cemetery records,
all published by the Davie Co. Historical and Genealogical Society

>Do you know anything that might lead me to Edith Parker's background?

I don't have anything else on her myself. In this time frame, I find
that usually wills and estate records are the most likely to be

I'm not even absolutely sure that Editha is Rebecca's mother. This
is a deduction from the fact that a William Cunningham married Editha
Parker in 1832, which would be about right for birth of the children
who appear in the 1850 census. Davie county was formed from Rowan in
1836, so anyone living in what is now Davie prior to that time would
be documented in Rowan Co. records until then.

William married Jane Inglis in 1846, and she's living with him in
1850. Clearly she can't be the mother of the children in the
household, so he must have had an earlier marriage, and the record
for Editha Parker is the only one in the right time frame in Rowan

Elizabeth Harris

In July 1977 the headstones were missing from both Rebecca's and Lemuel's graves in Tinkle

Rebecca was killed abt 1878 when thrown from a mud boat on the BradfordPike in north
east Marion, Grant Co. ,IN Joseph Frank Eastes was about 4- 1/2 yearsold.

In the 1860 Census for Van Buren Twp, Madison Co., IN shows Rebecca age20 and apparently married as the name was Easters. (Misspelled from Eastes) This census also shows her place of birth as NC.

In the 1850 Census of Davies Co., NC Shows William a farmer age 37 with7 children. One was Rebecca age 9. This places her birth date as 1841.Other information found says that her family moved from NC to Summitville, Madison Co., IN Debbie Quinn, Alexandria, IN

In the Portrait and Biographical Record of Madison & Hamilton Counties, IN - 1893, is an article on a William Cunningham and his descendants. It states that, "All brothers (Cunningham) came to Indiana about 1845 and settled in Madison county. Possibly William father of Rebecca came at a latter date. This is still being researched. ( April 2000)

Family stories say that Rebecca Cunningham was part Indian but there is no evidence of this at this time, however, her Mothers name is unknown.

Letter rcvd 1 Sept 2002:

Subj: I Found Rebbecca Cunningham mother!!!!!!
Date: 9/1/02 8:44:00 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Kanga1Roo3
To: LEastes2

I just found the missing link to the puzzle. I have found the name of Rebecca cunningham mother. I found it buy asking for more informationon the 1850 census lookup. Her name is Editha Parker they married in1832. I am sending you the email that I received this morning. I hope this is her. Let me know please. Thank you Christina Ridley
Forwarded Message:
Subj: Re: Davie County 1850 Census
Date: 9/1/02 6:35:37 AM Central Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

> Would like more information about someone in the census. Name isWilliam
>Cunningham. He is on page 379B Line 16 Age 39 Sex M. Thank you very much.
> Christina Ridley
> E-mail addresses

Here's what I have in my database.

Name: William CUNNINGHAM

Birth Date: About 1811
Birth Place: Rowan/Davie Co. NC

Spouse: Editha PARKER
Marriage Date: 18 Sep 1832
Marriage Place: Rowan Co. NC [bond date]

Spouse: Jane INGLIS
Marriage Date: 23 May 1846
Marriage Place: Davie Co. NC [bond date]

1850 Davie Co. census household 76
William Cunningham 39
Jane 25
Ransom 16
James 14
William 12
Rebecca 9
George 3
Mary 2/12

I may be able to find out more about the children, the later census
records, possibly burial sites and other information for you from my
reference books, but I'm just about to leave town for a week, so I
won't be able to do this before I return.

Elizabeth Harris

NCGenWeb project:
Winston-Salem NC area genealogy:
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Letter set to Elizabeth Harris - 5 October 2002

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Subj: Re: Rebbecca Cunningham's Mother
Date: 10/6/02 7:46:58 AM Central Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

>I would like to know where I can find the above information.
>Its not that I doubt its authenticity, but would like to obtain a
>copy for my records.

This came from my personal data base, which is based on the following sources:

Rowan County marriage records, specifically the book published by Brent Holcomb

The Davie County 1850 census, which was transcribed by the Forsyth
County Genealogical Society

Davie County 1860-1880 census, marriage bonds, and cemetery records,
all published by the Davie Co. Historical and Genealogical Society

>Do you know anything that might lead me to Edith Parker's background?

I don't have anything else on her myself. In this time frame, I find
that usually wills and estate records are the most likely to be

I'm not even absolutely sure that Editha is Rebecca's mother. This
is a deduction from the fact that a William Cunningham married Editha
Parker in 1832, which would be about right for birth of the children
who appear in the 1850 census. Davie county was formed from Rowan in
1836, so anyone living in what is now Davie prior to that time would
be documented in Rowan Co. records until then.

William married Jane Inglis in 1846, and she's living with him in
1850. Clearly she can't be the mother of the children in the
household, so he must have had an earlier marriage, and the record
for Editha Parker is the only one in the right time frame in Rowan

Elizabeth Harris

In July 1977 the headstones were missing from both Rebecca's and Lemuel's graves in Tinkle

Rebecca was killed abt 1878 when thrown from a mud boat on the BradfordPike in north
east Marion, Grant Co. ,IN Joseph Frank Eastes was about 4- 1/2 yearsold.

C.M. Hester

Lemuel Eastes married C.M. Hester sometime after the death of his firstwife
on 26 Dec 1878. They were divorced on 3 May 1879.

Lemuel Eastes married C.M. Hester sometime after the death of his firstwife
on 26 Dec 1878. They were divorced on 3 May 1879.

Lemuel Eastes married C.M. Hester sometime after the death of his firstwife
on 26 Dec 1878. They were divorced on 3 May 1879.

Lemuel Eastes married C.M. Hester sometime after the death of his firstwife
on 26 Dec 1878. They were divorced on 3 May 1879.

Sarah Smithson

:Lemuel Married Sarah Smithson on 18 june 1879 and divorced sometimeprior to 9 Dec 1880 (This was his 3rd Marriage).

:Lemuel Married Sarah Smithson on 18 june 1879 and divorced sometimeprior to 9 Dec 1880 (This was his 3rd Marriage).

:Lemuel Married Sarah Smithson on 18 june 1879 and divorced sometimeprior to 9 Dec 1880 (This was his 3rd Marriage).

:Lemuel Married Sarah Smithson on 18 june 1879 and divorced sometimeprior to 9 Dec 1880 (This was his 3rd Marriage).

Margaret A. Innis

Lemuel Eastes:Lemuel Married Sarah Smithson on 18 june 1879 and divorcedsometime prior to 9 Dec 1880 (This was his 3rd Marriage).

Lemuel Eastes:Lemuel Married Sarah Smithson on 18 june 1879 and divorcedsometime prior to 9 Dec 1880 (This was his 3rd Marriage).

Lemuel Eastes:Lemuel Married Sarah Smithson on 18 june 1879 and divorcedsometime prior to 9 Dec 1880 (This was his 3rd Marriage).

Lemuel Eastes:Lemuel Married Sarah Smithson on 18 june 1879 and divorcedsometime prior to 9 Dec 1880 (This was his 3rd Marriage).

Margaret Jane Sweeney

Margaret Jane's maiden name was Potts. She married Thomas Sweeney on 12Oct
1879. When she married Lemuel Eastes on 10 Aoril 1882, the name on themarriage
certificate was Margaret Jane Sweeney. Some time later she had her namechanged
to Mariah Jane Potts.After Lemuel died she married a man by the name ofMcKee.

Title: Marriage Records Volume III Book 12 (Mar 1898-Mar 1900) Book 13 (Mar 1900-Mar 1902) Book 14 (Mar 1902-Nov 1903) Book 15 (Nov 1903-Sep 1905) Book 16 (Sep 1905-Jul 1907) Book 17 (Aug 1907-Jan 1910) Record Location: Grant County, Indiana Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy Club Spouse 1: William McKee Spouse 2: Maria Jane Eastes Marriage Date: 22 Sep 1904 County: Grant Book: 15 Original Source Page: 288

1575. Benjamin Harrison Eastes

Benjamin Harrison Eastes was in WW I and lived at Garret IN and in
Indianapolis, IN.

863. William Thomas Eastes , Dr.

Extracted from The History of Delware Co., IN -

Page 498

DR. WILLIAM T. EASTES, a veteran medical practitioner of Delaware county,for many years a resident of Gaston, where he is now living, is a nativeHoosier of the real pioneer stock and has lived in this state all hislife, a resident of this county for nearly fifty years. Doctor Eastes wasborn on a farm in the immediate vicinity of Mt. Comfort, in Hancockcounty, August 11, 1844, and is a Son of Holman and Ruth (Webb ) Eastes,the latter of whom was born in what is now Rush county, November 14,1819, that having been a year prior to the opening of the lands nowcomprised within Rush for settlement and more than two years prior to theformal erection of that county, the Webbs having been among the. earliestsettlers in that region.

Holman Eastes was born in what is now Union 1 county, February 21, 1817,which was four years before that county was erected as a separate civicentity, his parents having been among the early pioneers on what then wasthe western frontier of settlement, for it was not until in the yearfollowing that the lands west in central Indiana were ceded to thegovernment by the Indians. Before the lands in what is now Hancock countywere all taken up Obediah Eastes, father of Holman Eastes, moved overinto that part of the state, entered a tract of land for a home and therebecame a permanent resident. It was thus that Holman Eastes became aresident of Hancock county. In Rush county on December 22, 1886 hemarried Ruth Webb. He established his home in the Mt. Comfortneighborhood in Hancock county and there remained until in 1856, when hemoved to the neighboring county of Madison and established his home on afarm in the Summitville neighborhood. In 1878 he disposed of hisinterests there and moved to the neighboring county of Grant, where hislast days were spent, his death occurring on February 27, 1880. His widowsurvived him for more than twenty years, her death occurring on April 8,1901. Holman Eastes was a Republican, a Methodist and a Freemason. Foryears he served his local public as justice of the peace and was widelyknown as 'Squire Eastes. To him and his wife were born eleven children.of whom three are still living, Doctor Eastes having two sisters, Mrs.Sarah Jane Kelsey and Mrs. Jessie E. Ward. The other members of thisfamily were Lemuel F., Addison S., Lucinda A., Jasper Newton, MarshallT., Albert 0., Meredith P., and Jerome S. When William T. Eastes wasabout twelve years of age his parents moved from Hancock county toMadison county and he grew up on the home farm in the Summitvilleneighborhood. He had good schooling and early became a school teacher, aprofession he followed for six years.

Page 499

He married in his nineteenth year, his wife being a seventeen-year-oldgirl, and carried on farming in addition to his school teaching. He alsofor two or three years kept store at SummitviIle, meanwhile giving hisattention to the reading of medicine, had a couple of years of directedreading under the preceptorship of Dr. Peter Drager, of Hartford City,and then in 1878 established his home on a farm in the Ice and Broylesneighborhood in the northwestern part of Washington township, thiscounty, where he also started as a medical practitioner, and there madehis home for four years, meantime completing his medical studies in theMedical College of Indiana at Indianapolis and in 1881 was graduated fromthat institution. Upon receiving his diploma, Doctor Eastes disposed ofhis farming interests and opened an office for the practice of medicineat Albany, this county. A year later he moved to Gaston (then known asNew Corner) and after a sometime practice there moved to Muncie, where hewas engaged in practice for eight years, at the end of which time hereturned to Gaston, where he since has maintained his office, rankingafter the late Doctor Bowles and the elder Doctor Kemper as among theoldest physicians in the county. Dr. William T. Eastes has been twicemarried. His first wife, Sarah C. Zedekar, died on August 30, 1919, andon January 19, 1922, he married Martha Rench, who died on January 1,1923. Sarah C. (Zedekar) Eastes was born in Summitville, Ind., March 161846 and on August 23, 1863, married William T. Eastes. She was adaughter of John M. and Catherine (Noland) Zedekar, Ohioans, the formerof whom was born in 1808 and the latter, in 1812. John M. Zedekar wascounty commissioner many terms, and was enrolling officer preparing forthe draft during the Civil war. He died at the age of sixty-seven. Hiswidow survived him for many years and was eighty-four years of age at thetime of her death. They were the parents of ten children, five sons andfive daughters, and the Zedekar connection of this family in the presentgeneration is a considerable one, even as is that of the Eastes family.To Dr. William T. and Sarah C. (Zedekar) Eastes were born nine children,Ida V ., Arthur T ., Dora A., Drusilla J. ( deceased) , Carrie E., BessieA., Hattie E., Apphia M. and Lydia E., an of whom ( except Drusilla) areliving and married. Ida V. Eastes married William L. Corey and has twochildren, Harold and Edith. Arthur T. Eastes has been twice married, andby his first wife, Nellie Upton, has a daughter Theadora. His secondmarriage was to Lillian Jansen. Dora R. A. Eastes married Albon C. Davisand has four children, Helen, Branson, Katharine and Albon Jr. DrusillaJ. Eastes married Isaac Newton Miller and died leaving one child, a son,Claud.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

From Muncie, IN City Directory for 1893: (Delaware Co.)
Name: Wm T Eastes (Sarah C) Occupation: physician and surgeon Business Address: office 806 east Main Home Address: 815 north Monroe City: Muncie State: Indiana Year: 1893 Image Number: muncie-230

1580. Carrie Etta Katherine Eastes

From Muncie, IN City Dorecxtory for 1893:
Name: Miss Carrie E Eastes Home Address: 315 north Monroe City: Muncie State: Indiana Year: 1893 Image Number: muncie-230

866. Marshall T. Eastes

Marshall's second wife was Candance or Candace See. You had Candance Unknown. I do have a marriage record for her. Grant County, Indiana Marriage Records Volume II Book 7 (Apr 1882-May 1886) Book 8 (Mar 1886-Jan 1890) Book 9 (Jan 1890-Mar 1893) Book 10 (Mar 1893-Nov 1895) Book 11 (Aug 1895-Apr 1898) Compiled by--Grant County Genealogy ClubCounty: Grant Name: Marshall T Eastes Spouse: Candance See Marriage Date: 03 Nov 1883 Book: 7 Original Source Page: 244 Sources: 1880 US Census, Washington Twp, Grant Co.,, IN Page 521

Subj: Re:
Date: 11/30/02 11:43:45 AM Central Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Hi Roy,

Thanks for the feedback

I am sending the record compiled by Ella McKillip Eastes. I think Mildred or Dee Robinson helped her since both of them did some genealogy research. The reason I think that Ella wrote it is that all the McKillip/Fleek info was hand written in the same hand as on the photo postcard I sent you yesterday, and Frank Eastes is referred to as stepson. He was Ella's stepson.

Joy Pero

Eastes/McKillip/Fleek Family Records
(Hand written) Marshall Eastes died April 4, 1912 born May 29 (no year)

(Typed) Eastes Family Birthdays

1. Ella (McKillip) Eastes Aug. 11, 1874

2. Elva Eastes Babbitt Oct. 31, 1896

3. Lawrence Eastes Oct. 6, 1900

4. Virginia Eastes Miiller. Nov. 3, 1904

5. Golda Eastes Love Dec. 11, 1905

6. Clarence Eastes Sept. 13, 1909


7. Lawrence (Theodore) Eastes. Oct. 6, 1900

8. Agnes Eastes (Wife). * Jan. 19, 1905

9. Leni Eastes July 25, 1919 (This is an error Dorothea was born this year It should read

10. Jerome Eastes March 21, 1935

11 Jacqueline Eastes July 29, 1938

12. Dorothea Eastes Bohan * Aug. 19,1919

13. William Bohan April 3, 1918

14. William (Butch) Bohan Nov. 17 1940

15. Julie Bohan Dec. 15, 1942

16. Sue (Wife) Eastes Dec. 20, '20 ( Should beMartha Nellie Ursula Milner)

17. Joy Susan Eastes March 20, '58 (Me)

18. William Lawrence Eastes April 20, ' 61

* Note Out of order, Dorothea’s Mother, Olive Hearn was the first wife of Lawrence T. Eastes.


19. Virginia (Eastes) Miiller. Nov. 3 1904

20. Frank Miiller (Husband). July 13, 1896

21. Fred Miiller May. 22, 1927

22. Frances (Judy) Miiller Dec. 31, 1928 (This is aMan, I Met him)

23. Linda Miiller Feb. 14, 1940

24. Edward Miiller April 22, 1941

25. Marylyn Miiller Aug. 20, 1942


26. Golda (Eastes) Love. Dec. 11, 1905

27. Chas. M. Love Aug. 31, 1891

28. Lowell B. Love Oct. 10, 1923

29. Elizabeth Love (wife). Nov. 8, 1924

30. Don Love March 1, 1949

31. Kirt Love March 9, 1951

32. Anita Love. Aug. 25, 1958


33. Clarence Holman Eastes. Sept. 25, 1909

34. Mildred Eastes (Wife). July 29, 1911

35. Karen Eastes July 10, 1944
36. Frank Eastes (Stepson). Sept. 25. 1874

37. Minnie Eastes (Wife). Feb. 28. 1880

38. Dee Robinson Sept. 27, 1898

39. Robert Robinson June 11, 1901

40. Thelma Downing. Jan. 1, 1903
41. Lois Palmer Feb. 21, 1901

42. Mildred Porges Sept. 10, 1912

43. DeLois Downing Jan. 14, 1932

44. Vonee Palmer Mulvihill Nov. 17, 1921

45. Mary Elizabeth "". Nov. 28 (no year)

46. Patricia Ann "". Dec. 13, (no Year)

(End of typed records)

:Note I don't know how the last of these people are connected to me. DeeRobinson is Franks daughter.

(Hand Written by Ella McKillip Eastes)

McKillip, Fleek Marriages

Daniel McKillip & Nancy Lawson-- May 10, 1820

James McKillip & Susanna Kendall-- Feb. 11, 1845

James McKillip & Elizabeth Fleek-- Feb. 14, 1861

Conrad Fleek & Pansy (Nancy) Leatherman--Oct. 9, 1831

(Ella McKillip & Marshall Eastes Jan. 11, 1894)



James McKillip-- April 7, 1821Dec. 8, 1906

William McKillip-- Nov. 25, 1822(about 1844)

Lucinda McKillip-- March 21, 1825(died as a baby)

John McKillip-- Jan. 20, 1827April 22, 1881

Carolyn McKillip—( Walker ) May 16, 1829Oct 17, 1874

Jackson McKillip-- May 30, 1831

Susanna Kendall-- July 20, 1825May 13, 1859

Sturgis McKillip-- April 24, 1845Oct. 5, 1874

Francis M. McKillip-- Sep. 19, 1849Dec. 24, 1849

Nancy C. McKillip--. June 9, 1854.Oct. 16, 1874

Mary E. McKillip-- Sept. 17, 1857

Elizabeth Fleek-- June 30, 1832Nov. 28, 1813

William W. McKillip-- Jan. 19, 1862

Ada M. McKillip March 30, 1863

George Burton McKillip Oct. 29, 1864Oct. 5, 1865

James Oliver McKillip March 16 1866April 12, 1866

John H. McKillip April 5, 1867

Sarah McKillip Oct. 3, 1870Jan. 18, 1879

Eva McKillip Aug. 10, 1872April 23, 1928

Ella McKillip Aug. 11 1874May 6, 1958

Clarence E. McKillip Feb. 11, 1877Jan. 13. 1879


Fleek BirthsDeaths

Margaret Fleek (daughter of Conrad) May 20, 1833

Catherine Fleek May 11, 1834

John Fleek (son of Conrad). May 1, 1835

Abraham Fleek " ". Feb. 15, 1837Nov. 24, 1854

Nancy Fleek Aug. 18, 1839

William Fleek July 4, 1841

Virginia Fleek Dec. 8, 1844

Margaret Fleek March 31,1854

Conrad Fleek March 10 1801June 30, 1849

Phillip FleekNov. 26, 1856

W.H. PaughMarch 29,1874

Nancy DawsonJune 1, 1874

Luisa McKillip (I don’t know who this is)Dec. 12, 1878

Pansy Leatherman Jan. 30, 1813

Elizabeth (Fleek) McKillip Nov. 28 1911 (This is anerror, it is her death record not a birth record)

Some of the parentheses are my additions. I think Grandma Ella McKillipEastes got these records from her Bible or a date and Address book. I had two other family members doing research. Mildred Eastes the wife of Clarence Holman Eastes, and Dee Eastes Robinson. I think Grandma wrote them out for them.
By Joy Pero

Ella McKillip

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Los Angles, CA

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Los Angles, CA

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Los Angles, CA

1 _FA1
2 PLAC Los Angles, CA

1588. Elva Eastes


Subj: Marshall Eastes.
Date: 8/25/02 7:35:51 PM Central Daylight Time

Hi Roy.

I found Aunt Elva's first husband Elva Ethel Eastes married to Silas M. Taylor Aug. 12, 1919 in Jasper County, Indiana.

Joy Susan Eastes Pero

869. Ameridith Pinkney Eastes

At one time Ameridith P. Eastes lived in Huntington, IN. The followingline was
submitted by Earl Eastes

Florence Jackson

60 yrs-1 mo age at death

60 yrs-1 mo age at death

60 yrs-1 mo age at death

60 yrs-1 mo age at death

1599. George Delman Eastes

George was the Pastor of the 3rd Christian Church, Park Place, Norfolk,VA.

872. William T. Brister

Memoirs of Mississippi, vol 1.

1850 Census-Yazoo County, Ms.
Lois Wilson Tidwell information from Eleanor Kleinpeter, 18801 PerkinsRoad
East, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70810-3927.
!1850 Census Yazoo County, Mississippi.

1602. Mattie Brister

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

1603. Lily Brister

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

1604. Otha Brister

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

Mary "Lizzie" Moore

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190
Memoirs of Mississippi, vol 1.

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190
Memoirs of Mississippi, vol 1.

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190
Memoirs of Mississippi, vol 1.

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190
Memoirs of Mississippi, vol 1.

1612. Samuel Hockaday Brister

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190


Ada Pepper

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

Annie Bull

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

1613. Frances Brister

Notes of Louise Tidwell

P.O. Box 330
Washington, Miss. 39190

894. Mary Brister

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1850 & 1860 Rapides Parish, Louisiana Census
1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

1616. James W. Orr

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1860 & 1870 Rapides Parish, Louisiana Census
1880 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1860 & 1870 Rapides Parish, Louisiana Census
1880 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1860 & 1870 Rapides Parish, Louisiana Census
1880 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1860 & 1870 Rapides Parish, Louisiana Census
1880 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

1617. George W. Orr

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

1618. Sarah F. Orr

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1870 & 1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1870 & 1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1870 & 1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1870 & 1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

1619. Eua Orr

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

1620. Mattie F. Orr

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1900 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

897. Ruffin Newton Brister

1850 & 1860 Rapides, Louisiana Census
1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

Eudoria Guinn

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1850 & 1860 Rapides, Louisiana Census
1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1850 & 1860 Rapides, Louisiana Census
1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1850 & 1860 Rapides, Louisiana Census
1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

1850 & 1860 Rapides, Louisiana Census
1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

1621. Elizabeth Brister

1870 Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

1623. James Brister

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Dr. C. C. Miller, Natchez

Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Dr. C. C. Miller, Natchez

Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Dr. C. C. Miller, Natchez

Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Dr. C. C. Miller, Natchez

Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Dr. C. C. Miller, Natchez

Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Dr. C. C. Miller, Natchez

Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Dr. C. C. Miller, Natchez

Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

[Warrick Bristow.FTW]

Dr. C. C. Miller, Natchez

Grant Parish, Louisiana Census

901. Elizabeth Warren

Source: E. Meril Backus

Wyatt Luttrell

Source: E. Meril Backus[Cogle~ESTES FAMILY.FBC.FTW]

Surname also found to be spelled as Littrell.

Source: E. Meril Backus[Cogle~ESTES FAMILY.FBC.FTW]

Surname also found to be spelled as Littrell.

Source: E. Meril Backus[Cogle~ESTES FAMILY.FBC.FTW]

Surname also found to be spelled as Littrell.

Source: E. Meril Backus[Cogle~ESTES FAMILY.FBC.FTW]

Surname also found to be spelled as Littrell.

1624. James Luttrell


In Company C, 6 Calvary, Confederate-Civil War.


In Company C, 6 Calvary, Confederate-Civil War.


In Company C, 6 Calvary, Confederate-Civil War.


In Company C, 6 Calvary, Confederate-Civil War.

1625. Clorinda Luttrell


Clorinda was not with the family in 1860 census.


Clorinda was not with the family in 1860 census.


Clorinda was not with the family in 1860 census.


Clorinda was not with the family in 1860 census.

1628. Judah Luttrell


Not with family in 1860 census.


Not with family in 1860 census.


Not with family in 1860 census.


Not with family in 1860 census.