Nicholas Ewstas


280. Albert Monroe Estes

Source: Estes genealogies by Charles Estes

546. Pocahontas Estes

Source: Estes Genealogies by Chas. Estes,

Marcia Barton Holman

Marcia was a widow,. Source: Estes Genealogies by Chas. Estes,

281. Moreau Pinckney Estes

Source: Estes Genealogies by Charles Estes

552. Moreau Pinckney Estes

Killed in the battle of Atlanta GA. Source: Estes Genealogies by Chas. Estes, Page 266 para 3725

554. Thomas Ewell Estes

Killed in the battle of Atlanta GA. Source: Estes Genealogies by Chas. Estes, Page 266 para 3737.

557. William Pinckney Wilson

Source: Estes Genealogies by Charles Estes

558. Joel Estes Wilson

Source: Estes genealogies by Charles Estes

560. Paca Wilson

Source: Estes Genealogies by Charles Estes

288. Bedford Mitchell Estes

Source: Estes genealogies by Charles Estes

298. Robert Estes

Will recorded 17 April 1775 in Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, page417,
mentions sons Robert, Elisha, George, Benjamin, Zachary, and Bartlett,
son-in-law Frederick Cox who m. daughter Milly.

Deed, Louisa County, VA, Book A, page 291, 27 Oct 1747, Robert Estesgives 100 acres in Louisa County to his son Robert Estes Jr. for goodwill and fatherly love. Mary, wife of Robert relinquished her dowerrights. From LDS microfilm 0032201.

Deed, Louisa County, VA, Book A, page 387, 26 June 1750, Robert Estessells 1300 acres in Louisa County to Robert Craig and James Brown for 115Pounds. Mary, wife of Robert relinquished her dower rights. From LDSmicrofilm 0032201.

Will recorded 17 April 1775 in Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, page417, mentions sons Robert, Elisha, George, Benjamin, Zachary, andBartlett, son-in-law Frederick Cox who m. daughter Milly.

Spouse: Mary
Birth: 1698, Louisa County, VA

Birthdate from book "Cary-Estes-Moore Genealogy" by Helen Estes Seltzer.

Marr: abt 1725, Brunswick County, VA

Children: Robert (~1726-1791)
Elisha (ca1728-<1806)
George (ca1730-<1777)
Benjamin (1736-1811)
Zachary (ca1733-)
Bartlett (ca1739-)
Millie (ca1742-)

Submitted by Floyd Smith January 1998 By EMail (
Another source states born 1695 St Stevens, Virginia.
Another states born in Caroline Co., Virginia.

Death per Lundenburg County, Virgina will.
Another source states born 1695 St Stevens, Virginia.

Death per Lundenburg County, Virgina will.
Line 4867 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT PLAC King & Queen County, VA

Will recorded 17 April 1775 in Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, page417,
mentions sons Robert, Elisha, George, Benjamin, Zachary, and Bartlett,
son-in-law Frederick Cox who m. daughter Milly.

Deed, Louisa County, VA, Book A, page 291, 27 Oct 1747, Robert Estesgives 100 acres in Louisa County to his son Robert Estes Jr. for goodwill and fatherly love. Mary, wife of Robert relinquished her dowerrights. From LDS microfilm 0032201.

Deed, Louisa County, VA, Book A, page 387, 26 June 1750, Robert Estessells 1300 acres in Louisa County to Robert Craig and James Brown for 115Pounds. Mary, wife of Robert relinquished her dower rights. From LDSmicrofilm 0032201.

Will recorded 17 April 1775 in Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, page417, mentions sons Robert,
Subj: Will of Robert Estes 1775 Lunenburg Co VA.doc
Date: 1/3/01 10:12:21 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Judith Weeks Ancell)
To: (Eastes, Roy)

Will of Robert Estes 1775 Lunenburg Co VA
Mentions Millie & Frederick COX
Contribution by Bushy Hartman
15 Mar 1775 Robert Estes' Will dated,
recorded 17 Apr 1775, Lunenburg Co.VA
mentions sons Robert, Elisha, George, Benjamin, Zachary and BartlettEstes,
and his son-in-law, Fred'k Cox who md. His daughter Milly Estes.
Executors named Robert and Elisha Estes and friend Thos. Tabb.
Division of the above estate dated 18 Feb 1777 (of negroes), and recorded13
Mar 1777; share to Elisha Estes, Robert Estes, Benjamin Estes, Zachary
Estes, Bartlett Estes, Mary Estes (widow of George Estes), Millie Cox(wife
of Frederick Cox).
"Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia" Vol. 1761-65 page 134.
Ordinary office Jasper County. 258
In the name of God, AMEN. I, Robert Estes of Lunenburg County being weakin
body but of sound mind and perfect memory do make and ordain this my last
will and testament in the form and manner following: Insur(ness?) I leavemy
body to be buried in such decent Christian manner as my Exors. here afterto
be named shall think suitable to my circumstances.
Item I desire my said Exors. to pay all Just debts out of any Estate for
which purpose I desire they will sell upon a Reasonable Credit all my
furniture and stock with my tools and plantation utinsels of every other
commodity except so much as shall be thought necessary for (finishing?)the
Crops intended to be made this year with my negroes which crops I intend
shall go towards paying my debts.
Item It is my will that my land whereon I now live and which is in thesame
tract whereon the Court House stands be sold by my executors on suchcredits
as they shall desire most advisable for commanding the best price and so
much of the money arising from such sale as shall be necessary for the
completing of the payment of my debts shall be applied that way, and the
balance I leave to be equally divided amongst those to whom I give my
negroes with the same precaution I shall use regarding them being well
convinced for many years that my sons Robert and Elisha will take care of
their living and that my sons George Benjamin Zachary and Bartlett and son
in law FREDERICK COX who married my daughter Milley have had an excessive
turn for spending their living to preventory(?) said last mentioned sons
from wasting or spending that moderate estate which under divineprovidence
I have got together by many years Labour & Frugality I do give and lendand
divide my negroes and the money arising from the sale of my Lands goodsand
chattles after paying my debts in the following manner and form (??)
It is my will that my negroes with the negro boy Sam lent my son Robert
Estes and the negro woman and child lent Milly Cox and increase and the
money that shall be left after payment of my debts be divided into as many
equal parts as I had children at my wife's decease that my son Robert and
Elisha Estes have each of them an equal part to do with as seems the bestto
Item one equal part of my said negroes and money. I lend to my sonGeorge's
wife and his children by her intending thereby that the said Part of my
Estate shall be applied towards maintaining my said son Georges wife andthe
maintaining supporting and bringing up such of the young children my said
daughter-in-law shall have by my said son as shall stand in mortal need
there of and in case my said son shall die before his wife meaning that he
carried with him when he moved from Virginia not knowing at the timewhether
she be dead or not & of course whether my said son be married again tho Ido
not believe his wife died since she left these parts & it is for herbenefit
I intered this will and not another if she be dead then the abovementioned
equal part of negroes and money be kept together for the above mentioned
purpose till the youngest child my said daughter in law shall have by my
said son shall arrive to the age of eighteen years son Georges childrenand
his widow at which time it is my will that the said part of my Estate &
Increase shall be equally divided amongst my but in case she shall die
before such child's coming of age then it is my will that the said part of
my estate shall be equally divided as soon as may be amongst the childrenof
my son George as shall be then living and at all events I do not mean to
leave any part of my estate in the power of my said son to spend but that
his children have the entire benefit in case his wife as above meant shall
be dead before him-
Item one equal part of my said negroes and money I give to my sonBenjamin's
wife and children in the same manner as that given to my son George's wife
and children.
Item One equal part of my said negroes and money I give to my sonZachary's
wife and children in the same manner as I give to my son George's wife and
Item one equal part of my said negroes and money I lend to my son Bartlett
for which he must give security to my Exors. for the return of it to be
equally divided amongst my children their representatives in case he does
not entirely refrain from drunkeness and gameing but (afore?) such
Reformation appearing to my exors. or to the court of this county then I
give the said part of my estate to my said son to do with it as seemethbest
to him.
Item to my daughter Milley COX I lend one equal part of my said Negroesand
money during life which said money and negroes I give to be equallydivided
at her decease amonst her children or their legal Representatives and my
late wife's (clothes ?) and rider saddle I give to my said daughter and do
appoint my sons Robert and Elisha and my neighbour Thomas Tabb Exors. of
this my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal this 15th day of
March 1775.
Robert Estes (seal)
(Cotest?) William Gorden, William Crymes, and Thomas Tabb.
transcribed from original Ordinary Office Jasper Co. GA unknown book,pages
13 Apr 1775 "At a Court held for Lunenburg County 13th day of April 1775
the last will and Testament of Robert Estes decd. was exhibited in Courtby
Robert and Elisha Estes two of the executors therein named and was provedby
the oaths of all the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to berecorded
and on the motion of the said Exers. who made oath according to law
Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate of the said will indue
form (of law- written and crossed through) they giving security, whereupon
they together with security entered into and aknowledged bonds for that
purpose and Thomas Tabb the other Exr. refused herein
Court to Join in probate.
Test Wm. Taylor. a copy
Test Wm H. Taylor.
Registered November15th, 1816
Robert Robey C.C.O." Ordinary Office Jasper Court, page 242.
The above reading "for" Lunenberg County was held in Jasper County,Georgia.
The Executors were living there at the time and perhaps this out of State
reading was necessary for a real estate transaction they were making with
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Elisha, George, Benjamin, Zachary, and Bartlett, son-in-law Frederick Coxwho m. daughter Milly.

Spouse: Mary
Birth: 1698, Louisa County, VA

Birthdate from book "Cary-Estes-Moore Genealogy" by Helen Estes Seltzer.

Marr: abt 1725, Brunswick County, VA

Children: Robert (~1726-1791)
Elisha (ca1728-<1806)
George (ca1730-<1777)
Benjamin (1736-1811)
Zachary (ca1733-)
Bartlett (ca1739-)
Millie (ca1742-)

591. Bartlett Estes

Reference: E Mail letter from Thomas E. Moody IV ( Dated
22 Dec 1997.
Birth: ca 1739, Louisa County, VA (Probably)

In the division of Negroes from his father's estate he was given three,nmaed Phillis, Leddy, and Jack son of Cate. Lunenburg County, VA WillBook 2, page 451, dated 18 February 1777.

Lunenburg County Deed Book 19, page 220A, Bartlett and Susanna Estes toBaxter & Miles Jordan, John Gordon, and David Abernathy, 12 January 1804.

Lunenburg County Deed Book 19, page 230A, Bartlett and Susanna Estes toArmistead Jeter, 9 February 1804.

Marriage Bonds: "The Old Free State", by Landon C. Bell, Vol. II. CallNo. R975.51 L96Be V2, page 389.

Spouse: Susannah ESTES

Marriage from Automated Archives CD04 of VA Marriages.

Marriage Bonds: "The Old Free State", by Landon C. Bell, Vol. II. CallNo. R975.51 L96Be V2, page 389.

Marr: 13 Jan 1791, Lunenburg County, VA23

Submitted by Floyd Smith january 1998 by E mail (

Submitted by Floyd Smith january 1998 by E mail (